Favor to Skill Point Calculator

To calculate how many skill points you'll receive for a given amount of favor, or how much favor you need to reach a given skill point value, you can use the following Google Sheets calculator. You can also do the math yourself if you prefer, using the table below.

Favor to Skill Points Calculator

Favor Conversion Chart

The exchange rate of Favor to Skill Points increases incrementally, allowing lower Skill Point characters to get many more skill points for a block of Favor than higher Skill Point characters. If a player is spending a large amount of Favor to accrue Skill Points at once they must calculate the cost for the next Skill Point for each Skill Point accrued. For example, a player with 100 Favor and a character with 50 Skill Points could buy the first 9 Skill Points at 7 Favor a Piece, but the next several Skill Points would be 9 Favor per Skill Point. The Skill Point range below represent the range in which the desired Skill Point lies, rather than where the range for the character's current Skill Point total.

SP Range Favor per SP
10 - 19 1
20 - 29 2
30 - 39 3
40 - 49 5
50 - 59 7
60 - 69 9
70 - 79 12
80 - 89 15
90 - 99 18
100 - 109 22
110 - 119 26
120 - 129 30
130 - 139 35
140 - 149 40
150 - 159 45
160 - 169 51
170 - 179 57
180 - 189 63
190 - 199 70
200 - 209 77
210 - 219 84
220 - 229 92
230 - 239 100
240 - 249 108
250 - 259 117
260 - 269 126
270 - 279 135
280 - 289 145
290 - 299 155
300 - 309 165
310 - 319 176
320 - 329 187
330 - 339 198
340 - 349 210
350 - 359 222
SP Range Favor per SP
360 - 369 234
370 - 379 247
380 - 389 260
390 - 399 273
400 - 409 287
410 - 419 301
420 - 429 315
430 - 439 330
440 - 449 345
450 - 459 360
460 - 469 376
470 - 479 392
480 - 489 408
490 - 499 425
500 - 509 442
510 - 519 459
520 - 529 477
530 - 539 495
540 - 549 513
550 - 559 532
560 - 569 551
570 - 579 570
580 - 589 590
590 - 599 610
600 - 609 630
610 - 619 651
620 - 629 672
630 - 639 693
640 - 649 715
650 - 659 737
660 - 669 759
670 - 679 782
680 - 689 805
690 - 699 828
700 - 709 852